Context of Development

Hello Emily and readers!

 One thing interesting when contemplating Bioecological Model is how vastly different peoples growth is. Especially when regarding high school. I feel a lot of students who either need help physically or mentally often times take theater because there is a lot you can do in that regard with students going at there own pace and you are not graded by your talents or your mental or physical abilities but simply all effort. The first implication most of all was Mr. Moss trust in these students. With the layout of the room he couldn’t be looking at all the students at once and seeing what they were doing he would go from group to group checking up on them. This honestly really impressed me because some of these jobs involved drills, spray-paint and others items that could be hazard. The second implication was the idea of hand on experience. The students on their own were literally creating the set for the play and creating everything for the productions. Even the scenic plans. He has each student do what they could with there abilities.  This is the best way most people learn is by actually doing what they are learning which is exactly what Mr. Moss had them do. Something the school in general takes pride in is treating the students with respect and professionally so they can exceed in all they do. They treat these kids like future adults with no demeaning teaching but teaching in a way that holds them to the upmost accountability. I honestly don't feel there was more Mr. Moss could do. I think the main thing was to personally check in with each student to see where they were at so he could get a good idea of the growth and needs of the students.


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