
  Hello Blog friends,

Kohlbers level of moral development I think for the most part hits it right on the nose. I remember in Jr.High thinking that all rules were important and were Mortified if I broke any kind of rules. Then once I hit high school there was some things specifically that I started not caring about and seeing some things were not necessary. For instance I would be late for class and think the attendance policy was ridiculous.
Looking at the different levels the Social contract is what most teens are in. Specifically Mr. Moss got really upset at the students because they left the theater room after there production and left all of there mess without cleaning it up. Mr. Moss told the students this was disrespectful to him because he had to spend time cleaning up after 40 students. You could tell the students didn't feel bad for making a mess per say but did feel bad in putting Mr.Moss out. You can also see Universal Principle stage where students think outside of the system and agree with things that they personally understand and agree with. Not just following rules or social norms just to follow them. You can tell in the way they interact as well because they question Mr. Moss when they do not agree. Most are not afraid to express that.


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